How To Keep Your Drive And Passion Fresh

“How do you stay so driven?”

It’s a question that CEOs, business owners, freelancers, and entrepreneurs hear a lot. Staying passionate even through the day to day grind can be difficult, but it’s not impossible. And it’s incredibly important if you want to be successful. So what keeps us going?

Consider the odds

If you’re reading this, you’ve won the galactic lottery. Your odds of being alive are ridiculously small. When you’re feeling down or starting to lose your drive, just remember that you won the lottery with this life – and you only get one chance at it. If that doesn’t rekindle your passion, maybe it’s time to change up what you’re doing.

Examine your “why” behind the drive

Every successful person has something that drives them. There’s some reason why they work as hard as they do. It might be their family, it might be an experience they had or a larger goal they’re trying to reach. This is what keeps them working towards their goals even through the difficult times. If you’re having trouble staying motivated, maybe it’s time to reexamine your “why”.

Goals can and should change over time because you will grow and change over time. As you do, you’ll need to periodically need to examine why you’re working towards a certain result. If you’re having trouble feeling driven, it may be that your goals no longer line up with who you are. Take some time to consider things and find your new “why”.

Change your routines

Sometimes all it takes is a shakeup in the daily routine to re-ignite your motivation. Add a morning exercise routine or evening meditation. If you’re working 20 hours a day, maybe cut back an hour or two and give yourself time to relax and decompress. Even the most successful business leaders take time for themselves – even if it’s only 30 minutes per day.

Become more productive

Sometimes, your drive may be flagging because you don’t feel like you’re getting enough done. If you’re having trouble staying productive, you can check out our article “7 Ways to Increase Your Productivity”

Credits: Jennifer Bentley